Privacy Policy for NFTwars

Effective Date: 2023.11.01.

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform users ("you" or "your") of the NFTwars mobile application's data handling practices. NFTwars is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. As the NFTwars app does not use cookies or track user data, you can rest assured that your privacy is of utmost importance to us.

Information We Do Not Collect

NFTwars does not collect or store any personal information about its users. We specifically do not collect the following: Cookies: Our app does not use cookies to track your online behavior or preferences. Personal Information: We do not request, collect, or store any personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number, or any other identifiers. Location Data: NFTwars does not access your device's location data. Device Information: We do not collect information about your device, such as device type, operating system, or unique device identifiers.

Third-Party Services

NFTwars does not integrate with third-party services or APIs that may collect and track user data. We maintain a strict policy against sharing or transferring user information to any external parties.

Data Security

While we do not collect any user data, we take data security seriously. Our team employs industry-standard security measures to protect the app from potential security breaches. However, it's important to note that no method of data transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. Even though we do not collect user data, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.

Updates to Privacy Policy

NFTwars may occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the app's functionality or to comply with legal requirements. The most current version of the Privacy Policy will always be available in the app. We encourage you to review this policy periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the NFTwars app, please contact us at: korsos.tibor9b[at] Thank you for using NFTwars! We are committed to providing you with an enjoyable and secure experience in our app while respecting your privacy.